And what better way than to stir up the hornet’s nest
than suggesting what might happen if the history books are wrong – if Boabdil
did not leave Spanish shores – if his body could still be on the mainland and
how that might annoy those racists who fear a new rise in appreciation of all
things Muslim should his resting place become a shrine.
For Isabella and Ferdinand to suggest they were claiming back Spain for the
Spanish is ridiculous. The Moors had lived in Spain for 800 years – they were
Spanish. It was simply a desire for power – using religion as an excuse.
There is a pettiness in racist behaviour. And Lucy experiences it first-hand –
and how that pettiness can become lethal when these people’s ideology becomes
all consuming. But the story hopefully also raises awareness that this movement
of the far right is widespread across Europe. Often little reported in the U.K.
press. For example, how many in the U.K know how strong Vox, a far-right party,
are becoming in the Spanish government? How they are currently propping up the
conservative PP party in Madrid. We live in dangerous times. Understanding the
past is key to survival.
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